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This is Zhi, the admin and creator of the facebook group page, Brunei Cosplayers!
This should be the official website of the group.
The website will display profiles of current and verified official members of our group.
With these information, public will then are able to identify which cosplayers are under our care and responsibility.
To be an official member,please email your interest at
Note: ALL DETAILS MUST BE INCLUDED.(You may request to hide your year of birth)

title of email: (full name) Cosplayer request
DOB: (day month year)
characters that you had cosplayed before:
contact details:(email,phone)
attach or link pictures you wish to display of yourself (Cosplay pictures)
PS: Other information will be requested time after time to update the page and only certain information will be displayed on the site.Ex: Name,DOB,occupation,cosplay characters,contact details(optional)

Also, visit to view our current discussions and available members.

Brunei Cosplayers are members who do their best to spread a positive and healthy culture to people within the country and also, the world in general. All members are expected to behave and take responsibility of their action at the most professional standard as possible. Members are expected to have high level of discipline and politeness at all time.
Admins of the group are able to give suitable disciplinary actions ( suspension or ban;etc) to any members who does not provide appropriate behaviour under the group's name. Admins are also able to make changes and decisions without prior notice. Thank You :)