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About Us

Brunei Cosplayers are members who do their best to spread a positive and healthy culture to people within the country and also, the world in general. All members are expected to behave and take responsibility of their action at the most professional standard as possible. Members are expected to have high level of discipline and politeness at all time.

We, members of Brunei Cosplayers DO NOT ask for any form of payments for membership!
Brunei Cosplayer is a non-profit group and is merely a group who wishes to spread the culture and joy of cosplay to others.

Please do not trust those who claims that any form of payment is needed to include you into our group as membership is free for all.

To any cosplayers who wishes to create any cosplay event or to anyone interested to invite cosplayers to your event,please email Also, members should acquire proper permission to cosplay at the venue of the event you wish to cosplay at. Any cosplaying done in public without our permission would allow the member to be severely disciplined (suspension or banned;etc) and such events will not be under our responsibility.

As extracted from 
(Please note that this code of conduct should applied to all cosplayers/members)

Article VI - Code of Conduct 
The 501st Legion recognizes that its costumes represent characters from the Star Wars films and as such, costume-wearers carry the responsibility of portraying these characters professionally and tastefully while in public. For these reasons, all members are prohibited from acting in a manner disrespectful towards the image they are portraying, towards fellow club members, or towards the public at large while in costume at an event expressly organized as a 501st event.
Foul language, obscene gestures, and use of alcohol or tobacco are prohibited while in costume in view of the public (children especially) as they jeopardize the club's image. Any convention or gathering where adult content is prevalent can be considered a private venue and a non-501st event and behavioral standards may be relaxed.
Acting in a threatening or violent manner, sexual harassment or misconduct, theft, and illegal substance abuse are all prohibited as they are unacceptable behavior. This applies to members in or out of costume at 501st events or otherwise.
In short, crude behavior is discouraged; threatening behavior is prohibited completely. Members who engage in such conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion from the 501st Legion.
This code is not meant to restrict freedom, but to give fair warning what behaviors may require action to correct. When out of costume, members are still required to observe reasonable behavioral standards towards fellow club members, as these actions affect one another. Your private life is your own.